Easy Chicken Noodle Soup (2024)

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Chicken noodle soup – it’s one of those recipes that everyone seems to have a version of. Mine? It’s about keeping things uncomplicated but oh-so-satisfying. Think of this chicken noodle soup recipe as your go-to on those days when you need a bit of kitchen therapy. You’ve got your classic ingredients: onions, carrots, and celery softened up in butter, creating a smell in the kitchen that’s kind of like a welcome home sign.

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup (1)

Table of Contents

  • Recipe At a Glance
  • Summary
  • Ingredients to make chicken noodle soup
  • How to Make Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Tips for making the best chicken noodle soup
  • What to Serve With Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Frequently asked questions
  • For more soup recipes, check out:
  • Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

And, of course, what would chicken noodle soup be without, well, chicken?! I prefer thighs because they’re just juicier and packed with flavor. They simmer in there with everything, making the soup hearty and filling. And the noodles? Well, honestly, I go back and forth. My Mom always uses vermicelli, which I love, but traditionally egg noodles win out. For me, I like both ways, but I wanted to keep this recipe classic, so opted to make it with egg noodles. So, here’s to a bowl of chicken noodle soup that’s less about being fancy and more about being exactly what you need: a simple, hearty meal that just hits the spot.

Recipe At a Glance

Cuisine Inspiration: American/Comfort Food
Primary Cooking Method: Simmering/Stovetop Cooking
Dietary Info: Contains poultry (chicken); can be adapted for gluten-free diets
Key Flavor: Rich chicken broth enhanced with herbs (like oregano), garlic, and the classic mirepoix (onion, carrot, celery)
Skill Level: Easy


  • Comfort in a Bowl: This classic chicken noodle soup is the comfort food soup, bringing warmth to chilly days and soothing colds with its rich flavors.
  • Timeless Recipe: While trends come and go, the love for chicken noodle soup remains unwavering. This recipe honors the timeless tradition with a perfect blend of ingredients.
  • Rich, Flavorful Broth: The onions, carrots, celery, and bay leaves with other seasonings help this soup achieves a depth of flavor that makes it stand out.
  • Versatile Serving: With the zesty kick from the lemon juice, you can tailor the soup’s acidity to your liking, ensuring a personalized taste experience.
  • Nutritious and Filling: Packed with chicken, hearty noodles, and vegetables, this soup is not just delicious but also offers a wholesome meal that satisfies hunger and nourishes the body.

Ingredients to make chicken noodle soup

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup (2)
  • Chicken: Tender thighs infuse the broth with deep, meaty richness. Plus you’ll be able to easily shred the meat when you combine it with the noodles.
  • Vegetables: Onions, carrots, and celery ensure a flavorful and aromatic foundation for the broth.
  • Noodles: Egg noodles are a classic pasta to use.
  • Bay Leaf: This leaf adds a unique depth and complexity to the broth.
  • Salt and Pepper: Season to extract maximum flavor during simmering.
  • Seasonings: Minced garlic and oregano elevate the soup’s flavor profile.
  • Butter: Sautéing the veggies in butter releases their natural sugars, enhancing their flavor.
  • Garnish: Fresh parsley offers a herby touch, while lemon juice adds a refreshing tang to each bowl.

Popular Substitutions & Additions

  • Whole Grain Pasta: For a healthier twist, replace traditional egg noodles with whole grain pasta. This not only adds a nuttier flavor but also increases the fiber content, making the chicken noodle soup more filling and nutritious.
  • Lemon Zest and Juice: Adding a bit of lemon zest and a squeeze of lemon juice at the end of cooking can brighten up the soup. This adds a fresh, tangy contrast to the rich flavors of the chicken and broth.
  • Mushrooms for Depth: Incorporate sliced mushrooms, such as cremini or shiitake, for an earthy depth of flavor. They complement the chicken well and add a meaty texture that’s particularly satisfying.
  • Fresh Herbs for Garnish: Sprinkling freshly chopped herbs on top of your chicken noodle soup, like parsley, dill, or cilantro, just before serving gives the soup a burst of color and fresh flavor. Each herb offers a unique taste profile that can change the character of the soup slightly.
  • Root Vegetables for Hearty Additions: Swap out or add other root vegetables like turnips, parsnips, or sweet potatoes. These vegetables hold up well during simmering and add a natural sweetness and variety of textures to the soup.

How to Make Chicken Noodle Soup

  1. Add the onion, carrots, celery to a pot with melted butter and season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until softened.
  2. Next add the garlic and oregano. Cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant.
  3. Place the chicken, bay leaves and the remaining salt and pepper in the pot.
  4. Cover with water, and bring everything to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, until the chicken is cooked through.
  5. Add the shredded chicken to the soup along with the egg noodles.
  6. Continue to cook the soup until the pasta is tender. Remove the soup from the heat and stir in the parsley and lemon juice.
Easy Chicken Noodle Soup (3)

Tips for making the best chicken noodle soup

  1. Make your own chicken broth for the best-tasting chicken noodle soup. It makes the soup so rich and flavorful, and it is totally worth a little more effort. Plus, it’s healthier this way, with way less preservatives.
  2. Use chicken thighs or drumsticks for best flavor. While it’s fine to use chicken breast like I did in the recipe video above, they don’t tenderize in the soup and instead stay pretty firm. The thighs, on the other hand, get more juicy and tender in the broth.
  3. Cook the pasta separately and add when serving.To avoid soggy pasta, keep the cooked pasta separate and add as needed when serving your chicken noodle soup.
  4. Chop the vegetables into bite sized pieces. They should be hearty but still easy to eat. This will also help them to cook evenly.

What to Serve With Chicken Noodle Soup

  • Garden Salad
  • Grilled Cheese
  • Rosemary Focaccia
  • French Bread Rolls
Easy Chicken Noodle Soup (4)

How to Store & Reheat chicken noodle soup

Storing: Once the chicken noodle soup has cooled completely, transfer it to an airtight container. If you’re anticipating longer storage, consider keeping the noodles separate to prevent them from becoming soggy.

Reheating: For the best texture, it’s advised to reheat the soup on the stovetop. Pour your desired serving into a pot and heat over medium until simmering. If you’ve stored the noodles separately, add them in the last few minutes to warm through without overcooking.

How Long Will chicken noodle soup Last in the Fridge?

When properly stored in an airtight container, classic chicken noodle soup should remain fresh for 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

Can I Freeze chicken noodle soup?

Absolutely! For the best results, consider freezing the soup without the noodles, as they can turn mushy upon reheating. Once the soup has cooled, pour it into freezer-safe containers, leaving about an inch for expansion. Label with the date and freeze for up to 2-3 months. When ready to enjoy, thaw in the fridge overnight and prepare fresh noodles to add upon reheating.

Frequently asked questions

How to make chicken noodle soup without the noodles getting soggy?

Cook Noodles Separately: Instead of cooking the noodles directly in the broth, boil them in a separate pot of water according to the package instructions. This ensures that the starch from the noodles doesn’t thicken your soup and make it cloudy.
Rinse the Noodles: Once the noodles are cooked to al dente, drain them and rinse under cold water. This stops the cooking process and washes off excess starch, preventing them from absorbing more liquid and becoming mushy.
Add Noodles at the Last Moment: If you’re planning to serve the soup immediately, add the cooked noodles to the individual bowls and ladle the hot soup over them. This ensures that the noodles remain al dente and don’t continue to cook in the hot broth.
Store Separately: If you have leftovers or are making the soup ahead of time, store the noodles and soup separately in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to serve, reheat the soup and add the noodles to individual bowls before ladling the soup over them.

Can I make this soup in a slow cooker?

Yes, you can adapt this recipe for a slow cooker. Begin by sautéing the vegetables, then add everything but the egg noodles to the slow cooker and cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 3-4 hours. Shred the chicken and add the noodles towards the end of cooking.

Why is my soup broth cloudy?

Cloudy broth is often a result of boiling the soup too vigorously. For a clearer broth, it’s important to simmer the soup gently. Also, ensure you skim off any foam or impurities that rise to the surface during the early stages of cooking.

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup (5)

I hope you enjoy this chicken noodle soup recipe as much as my family and I do. It’s one of those cozy, feel-good meals that never fails to bring smiles around our table. There’s something about the classic combo of tender chicken, nourishing veggies, and comforting noodles that just hits the spot, especially on those cooler days or whenever you need a little pick-me-up.

For more soup recipes, check out:

  • Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Chicken Lemon Orzo Soup
  • Chicken Lemon Rice Soup
  • Vegetarian Lemon Rice Soup
  • Easy White Chicken Chili
  • 5 Ingredient Tomato Soup
  • Red Curry Noodle Soup
  • Lasagna Soup
  • Tortellini Soup with Spinach
  • Turkey Soup with Rice

If you try this feel good Easy Chicken Noodle Soup recipe or any other recipe on Feel Good Foodie, then don’t forget torate the recipeand leave a comment below! It helps others who are thinking of making the recipe. We would love to hear about your experience making it. And if you snapped some shots, share it onInstagramso we can repost on Stories!

This chicken noodle soup recipe was originally posted on March 1, 2020. The recipe has been slightly updated to use classic egg noodles instead of vermicelli. The post has also been updated with new photos and step by step collage to help make this recipe that much easier!

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup (6)

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Chicken Noodle Soup

This Easy Chicken Noodle Soup recipe is my all-time favorite winter soup, made with simple ingredients and stocked with nutrients for the cold season!

5 from 337 votes

Author Yumna Jawad

Servings 6 servings

Course Soup

Calories 283

Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 35 minutes mins

Total Time 45 minutes mins



  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 yellow onion diced
  • 3 large carrots diced
  • 3 celery stalks diced
  • 1 ½ teaspoon salt divided
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper divided
  • 3 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 ¼ pounds skinless boneless chicken thighs
  • 2 dried bay leaves
  • 8 cups water
  • 6 ounces egg noodles or pasta of choice (or fusulli)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


  • Heat the butter in a large stockpot over medium heat. Add the onion, carrots, celery, 1 teaspoon of salt, and ½ teaspoon of pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 10 minutes.

  • Add the garlic and oregano. Cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add the chicken, the bay leaves and the remaining salt and pepper.

  • Add the water, and bring everything to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, covered, until the chicken is cooked through, about 25 minutes.

  • Transfer the cooked chicken to a cutting board. Using two forks, shred the chicken into bite-size pieces. Return the shredded chicken to the soup along with the egg noodles. Continue to cook the soup over medium-low heat until the pasta is tender, about 10 minutes. Remove the soup from the heat and stir in the parsley and lemon juice.


Storage:Store any leftovers in an airtight container. It will last about 3-4 days in the fridge.


Calories: 283kcal, Carbohydrates: 27g, Protein: 23g, Fat: 9g, Saturated Fat: 4g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 3g, Trans Fat: 0.2g, Cholesterol: 124mg, Sodium: 746mg, Potassium: 476mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 3g, Vitamin A: 6303IU, Vitamin C: 8mg, Calcium: 58mg, Iron: 2mg

Nutrition information provided is an estimate. It will vary based on cooking method and specific ingredients used.

Cuisine American

Course: Soup

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup (2024)
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