Nakshatra Nadi Astrology – Astrogurukul (2024)

Nakshatra Nadi Astrology is in fact an extension of Hindu Vedic Astrology, on which lot of research work has been done by various sages and Astro scholars from time to time. It has been presented in their own style in their various works for the better understanding of the readers.

Since long our Sages had been working on the invention of different methods and theories to delineate horoscopes to get precise results. Varga charts theory given by Maha Rishi Prashara has proved to be a great step towards this aim. Ashtakvarga given by Sage Maitreya was also an effort in this direction to understand the subject in a simpler way. Maharishi Jaimini has also set some beautiful rules to pinpoint the predications.

In 20th sanctuary, Very deep research was done in Stellar Astrology around star lords and sub lords of planets, collectively by N.V.Raghava Chary and Gopala Krishana Row and under the pseudonym ‘Meena’ published a book on Nadi Astrology in early forties.

Some astrologers started working on Vimshottari dasha system and 9 unequal sub divisions of a Nakshatra extending the scope of delineation of a planets with respect to the Nakshatras and their Sub divisions to sub- sub divisions and further to sub- sub- sub divisions in the sequence of Vimshottari dasha system up to praan dasha. The Great Krishnamurthy is known as pilot among the few worked on this theory.

He named these sub divisions following the Vimshottari dasha sequence. First sub division lord will be the same planet which is the lord of that Nakshatra to that we are dividing into 9 unequal parts. Rest of the divisions will be followed as per Vimshottari dasha sequence.

e.g; Suppose a planet the Sun in Aries at 10°00.In Vedic system of astrology we will say Sun in sign Aries. But, in nakshatra paddhati we shall say

Sun in Nak of Ketu and sub of Sat.

Nine divisions of Ashwini Nakshatra. Lord of Ashwini nakshatra is Ketu. If we go through the chart below, we shall find Sun 10° in Sub of Sat

Nakshatra Nadi Astrology – Astrogurukul (1)

So we will write Su as Planet Sun

Nak. lord Ketu

Sub lord Sat

As a student of astrology we know that we have divided our Zodiac of 360° into 12 equal parts of 30° each for our convenience and which are known as signs or Rashis.

Zodiac is also divided into 27 equal parts and these divisions are of 13°20’ (800’) each. These divisions are known as Nakshatras or Constellations.

Every Nakshatra has different atmosphere and different lordship. We are very well aware of the fact that Nakshatra are fixed, but it’s only the planet which moves in different signs & Nakshatra as a guest for a few days or months. It is obvious that guest has to act or live as per the rules fixed by the host (Nakshatra lord). So the Nakshatra lord automatically becomes more powerful than the planet.

On the other hand in our Zodiac 13°20’ is not a small space. According to Vedic theory “One Nakshatra is group of so many stars” and we find that in such a big space, atmosphere and other significations must be different in different parts of Nakshatra.” The guest planet has to adjust itself according to the environment of that part of Nakshatra or environment provided by lord of that part. To judge the location of the planet precisely, Nakshatra is further divided into 9 unequal parts, which are known as sub parts and lord of that each is known as Sub Lord. In that way Sub lord becomes more powerful than the Nakshatra and Nakshatra becomes more powerful than the planets. Now we will write it as:

Sub > nakshatra > Planet

How to calculate area or arc of sub lord:

Now I can see that planet Sun is in Aries is not a complete address. It is just like as we say person ‘A’ lives in Chandigarh.

If, we narrow down the address we will have to give some clue as sun in Aries in the Nakshatra of Ketu. You can say person ‘A’ lives in Chandigarh in sec- 27.

To narrow down further, we will say sun in Aries in Nakshatra of Ketu and sub of sat means person ‘A’ lives in Chandigarh in sec- 27, house no- 2, which seems to be an authentic one or complete address.

Now correct address of sun will be defined as:

The Sun is in Aries in the Nakshatra of Ketu and sub of Sat. It, itself speaks the clear picture of the Sun. We can see that Sun is under the influence of Ketu and Ketu is under the influence of Sat.

Now, as per the rule of the Nakshatra Nadi, Sub lord is >Nak. Lord> Planet. It will be assumed that the Sun will be able to fulfill the promise with the consent of Ketu and Sat. Veto power is with Sat as Sat is Sub lord. Where does the planet Sun alone stand for this nativity? Answer is …..Nowhere.

Hence, you can say you have touched the Nadi of the Sun(Pulse of Sun ) . So, I shall like to name this theory as Nakshatra Nadi Astrology.

Rules of Nakshatra Nadi Astrology

Rule: 1-Planets work under the influence of nakshatra lord and further nakshatra lord works under the influence of Sub lord.

Rule: 2-Planets also work under the influence of planets conjunct with or aspected by.

Rule: 3-Vimshottri dasha is used in Nakshatra Nadi system. While delineating a horoscope, Vimshottari dasha sequence and rules are applied. According to Vimshottari dasha rules:

MD(Maha dasha) > AD(Antara dasha) > PD(Paratayantara dasha) > SD(Sukshama dasha) > PB(Prana dasha)

You can say “any event visible in the horoscope will fructify only if, Maha dasha lord signifies that event and in period of MD lord dasha that event will happen in the period of Antara dasha lord that supports that event, the event supported by MD & AD will fructify during Paratayantara dasha of the planet that signifies that event & so on. In other words, Prana dasha lord is subservient to Sukshama dasha lord, Sukshama dasha lord is subservient to Paratayantara dasha lord, Paratayantara Lord is sub servant to Antara dasha lord and finally, Antara dasha lord is subservient to Maha dasha lord.

Rule: 4- Ayanamsha Value used in Nakshatra Nadi is the value established by the astronomer, NEWCOMB, who believed that both Sayana and Niryana zodiacs coincided in the year 292 AD, and retrograde motion of Vernal Equinox is @ 50.2388475 seconds of arc per year. Whereas, Lahiri theory believes that both the zodiacs coincided in 286 AD. So, select the method of calculation of Ayanamsha in your software as NEWCOMB Ayanamsha or KP- Ayanamsha. But, if you have some horoscope in your hand erected by using Lahiri Ayanamsha or you are to go manually, then you are advised to add 6’ to planets and ascendant degrees. This is because one year creates difference of one minute in degree of Ascendant & Planets. For the help of astrologers, a list of Ayanamsha calculated as per this system is given on a separate page number-

Rule-5: To see the exact view and positions of planets, Nirayana Bhava Chalit chart is considered to be the best location master .For this we used to do a little exercise by drawing Nirayana Bhava Chalit chart. But today we are blessed with the computer software which gives us the required reports & charts with the click of a curser.

How to erect Nirayana Bhava Chalit chart:


All principles of Hindu Vedic Astrology are applied to judge the traditional values and effects on planets by conjunction, aspects and potency.

Rule: 7 Now we have two major charts with us.

1. D-1 (Lagana chart or Ascd. chart)

2 .Nirayana Bhav Chalit chart.

We see influence of conjunction and aspects from Lagana chart.

Owner of Bhava and placement of planets are to be seen from Niryana Bhava Chalit chart.

Rules: 8-As explained in Hindu Vedic Astrology 12th Bhava of every Bhava destroys the signification of that Bhava. And 2nd Bhava of every Bhava enhances the significations of that Bhava. But, we have to keep in mind the complimentary house for the different subjects of life.


1. 3rd house is complimentary house to 4th house of education. As it is a house of communication.

2. 10th house is a complimentary house to 9th house of higher education as 10th is a house of awards, name and fame.

3. 4th house is a complimentary house to 5th house of creativity and intelligence as 4th house is a house of basic education.

4. 5th house is complimentary house to 6th house of competition as 5th is a house of creativity & intelligence which is required in clearing the compaction.


  1. 10th house of profession is a complimentary house for 11th house of gains and 11th is gain of profession.


  1. 3rd house is a complimentary house for 4th house of luxury in case of vehicles as 3rd is a house of movement, driving & short distance.

How to calculate arc of sub lords in Degrees-Minutes-Seconds:

The rules and sequence of Vimshottari dasha are followed in Nakshatra Nadi. So, while dividing a nakshatra in parts, the following formula is being used in calculating the area of particular sub lord:

Sub lord’s dasha years in Vimshottari dasha x Arc of Nak.
Name of the Sub Lord=……………………………………………………………………………… Total years of Vimshottari dasha

Area of one Nakshatra is 13°20’. But, we have to use in minute value. If, we convert 13°20’ in Minutes value it comes as 13×60+20=800 minutes.

Example: Suppose we are to divide first nakshatra of Aries sign, which is Ashwini in name and its Lord is Ketu. As per the Vimshottari dasha sequence; 1st divisional sub lord will be Ketu, 2nd sub lord will be Venus, 3rd Sub lord will be Sun, 4th sub lord will be Moon, 5th sub lord will be Mars, 6th sub lord will be Rahu, 7th sub lord will be Jupiter, 8th sub lord will be Saturn & finally 9th sub lord will be Mercury.



Area of Sub lord Ketu

=————————– =




Area of Sub Lord Venus

=————————– =




Area of sub lord Sun

=————————– =




Area of Sub lord Moon

=————————– =




Area of Sub lord Mars

=————————– =




Area of sub lord

=————————– =




Area of sub lord Jupiter

=————————– =




Area of sub lord Saturn

=————————– =




Area of sub lord Mercury

=————————– =



Now we shall write as below:

Nak. LordSub Lord°TO°

And in this way, we shall divide all 27 Nakshatras in 9 unequal divisions and for your convenience a readymade or ready reckoner annexure is given at following page:

Note: Degree values given are the start of Sub Lord.



Sign Lord Mars

0 to 13o 20’

Ashwini Lord ketu

Sub Lords

Ketu00o 00’00”

13o 20’ to 26o 40’ Bharani Lord Venus

Sub Lords

Venus13o 20’00”

26o40’ to 30o00’

Krittika Lord Sun

Sub Lords

Sun26o 40’00”
Venus00o 46’40”Sun15o 33’20”Moon27o 20’00”
Sun03o 00’00”Moon16o 13’20”Mars28o 26’40”
Moon03o 40’00”Mars17o 20’00”Rahu29o 13’20”
Mars04o 46’40”Rahu18o 06’40”
Rahu05o 33’20”Jupiter20o 06’40”
Jupiter07o 33’20”Saturn21o 53’20”
Saturn09o 20’00”Mercury24o 00’00”
Mercury11o 26’40”Ketu25o 53’20”


TAURUS/ Varishaba

Sign Lord Venus

0 to 10o 00’

Krittika Lord Sun Sub Lords

Rahu00o 00’ 00”

10o 00’ to 23o 20’ Rohini Lord Moon

Sub Lords

Moon10o 00’ 00”

23o 20’ to 30o 00’

Mrigashira Lord Mars

Sub Lords

Mars23o 20’ 00”
Jupiter01o 13’ 20”Mars11o 06’ 40”Rahu24o 06’ 40”
Saturn03o 00’ 00”Rahu11o 53’ 20”Jupiter26o 06’ 40”
Mercury05o 06’ 40”Jupiter13o 53’ 20”Saturn27o 53’ 20”
Ketu07o 00’ 00”Saturn15o 40’ 00”
Venus07o 46’ 40”Mercury17o 46’ 40”
Ketu19o 40’ 00”
Venus20o 26’ 40”
Sun22o 40’ 00”


GEMINI/ Mithuna

Sign Lord Mercury

0 to 06o 40’

Mrigashira Lord Mars

Sub Lords

Mercury00o 00’ 00”

06o 40’ to 20o 00’ Ardra Lord Rahu

Sub Lords

Rahu06o 40’ 00”

20o 00’ to 30o 00’

Punarvasu Lord Jupiter

Sub Lords

Jupiter20o 00’ 00”
Ketu01o 53’ 20”Jupiter08o 40’ 00”Saturn21o 46’ 40”
Venus02o 40’ 00”Saturn10o 26’ 40”Mercury23o 53’ 20”
Sun04o 53’ 20”Mercury12o 33’ 20”Ketu25o 46’ 20”
Moon05o 33’ 20”Ketu14o 26’ 40”Venus26o 33’ 20”
Venus15o 13’ 20”Sun28o 46’ 40”
Sun17o 26’ 40”Moon29o 26’ 40”
Moon18o 06’ 40”
Mars19o 13’ 20”


CANCER/ Karaka

Sign Lord Moon

0 to 03o 20’

Punarvasu Lord Jupiter

Sub Lords

Moon00o 00 ’00”

03o 20’ to 16o 40’ Pushya Lord Saturn

Sub Lords

Saturn03o 20’ 00”

16o 40’ to 30o 00’

Ashlesha Lord Mercury

Sub Lords

Mercury16o 40’ 00”
Mars00o 33’ 20”Mercury05o 26’ 40”Ketu18o 33’ 20”
Rahu01o 20’ 00”Ketu07o 20’ 00”Venus19o 20’ 00”
Venus08o 06’ 40”Sun21o 33’ 20”
Sun10o 20’ 00”Moon22o 13’ 20”
Moon11o 00’ 00”Mars23o 20’ 00”
Mars12o 06’ 40”Rahu24o 06’ 40”
Rahu12o 53’ 20”Jupiter26o 06’ 40”
Jupiter14o 53’ 20”Saturn27o 53’ 20”


LEO/ Simha

Sign Lord Sun

0 to 13o 20’

Magha Lord Ketu

Sub Lords

Ketu00o 00’00”

13o 20’ to 26o 40’ P. Phalguni Lord Venus

Sub Lords

Venus13o 20’00”

26o40’ to 30o00’

U. Phalguni Lord Sun

Sub Lords

Sun26o 40’00”
Venus00o 46’40”Sun15o 33’20”Moon27o 20’00”
Sun03o 00’00”Moon16o 13’20”Mars28o 26’40”
Moon03o 40’00”Mars17o 20’00”Rahu29o 13’20”
Mars04o 46’40”Rahu18o 06’40”
Rahu05o 33’20”Jupiter20o 06’40”
Jupiter07o 33’20”Saturn21o 53’20”
Saturn09o 20’00”Mercury24o 00’00”
Mercury11o 26’40”Ketu25o 53’20”


VIRGO/ Kanya

Sign Lord Mercury

0 to 10o 00’

U. Phalguni Lord Sun

Sub Lords

Rahu00o 00’ 00”

10o 00’ to 23o 20’ Husta Lord Moon

Sub Lords

Moon10o 00’ 00”

23o 20’ to 30o 00’

Chitra Lord Mars

Sub Lords

Mars23o 20’ 00”
Jupiter01o 13’ 20”Mars11o 06’ 40”Rahu24o 06’ 40”
Saturn03o 00’ 00”Rahu11o 53’ 20”Jupiter26o 06’ 40”
Mercury05o 06’ 40”Jupiter13o 53’ 20”Saturn27o 53’ 20”
Ketu07o 00’ 00”Saturn15o 40’ 00”
Venus07o 46’ 40”Mercury17o 46’ 40”
Ketu19o 40’ 00”
Venus20o 26’ 40”
Sun22o 40’ 00”



Sign Lord Venus

0 to 06o 40’

Chitra Lord Mars

Sub Lords

Mercury00o 00’ 00”

06o 40’ to 20o 00’ Swati Lord Rahu

Sub Lords

Rahu06o 40’ 00”

20o 00’ to 30o 00’

Vishakha Lord Jupiter

Sub Lords

Jupiter20o 00’ 00”
Ketu01o 53’ 20”Jupiter08o 40’ 00”Saturn21o 46’ 40”
Venus02o 40’ 00”Saturn10o 26’ 40”Mercury23o 53’ 20”
Sun04o 53’ 20”Mercury12o 33’ 20”Ketu25o 46’ 20”
Moon05o 33’ 20”Ketu14o 26’ 40”Venus26o 33’ 20”
Venus15o 13’ 20”Sun28o 46’ 40”
Sun17o 26’ 40”Moon29o 26’ 40”
Moon18o 06’ 40”
Mars19o 13’ 20”


SCORPIO / Vrishchika

Sign Lord Mars

0 to 03o 20’

Vishakha Lord Moon

Sub Lords

Moon00o 00 ’00”

03o 20’ to 16o 40’ Anuradha Lord Saturn

Sub Lords

Saturn03o 20’ 00”

16o 40’ to 30o 00’

Jyeshtha Lord Mercury

Sub Lords

Mercury16o 40’ 00”
Mars00o 33’ 20”Mercury05o 26’ 40”Ketu18o 33’ 20”
Rahu01o 20’ 00”Ketu07o 20’ 00”Venus19o 20’ 00”
Venus08o 06’ 40”Sun21o 33’ 20”
Sun10o 20’ 00”Moon22o 13’ 20”
Moon11o 00’ 00”Mars23o 20’ 00”
Mars12o 06’ 40”Rahu24o 06’ 40”
Rahu12o 53’ 20”Jupiter26o 06’ 40”
Jupiter14o 53’ 20”Saturn27o 53’ 20”



Sign Lord Jupiter

0 to 13o 20’

Moola Lord Ketu

Sub Lords

Ketu00o 00’00”

13o 20’ to 26o 40’ P. Ashadha Lord Venus

Sub Lords

Venus13o 20’00”

26o40’ to 30o00’

U. Ashadha Lord Sun

Sub Lords

Sun26o 40’00”
Venus00o 46’40”Sun15o 33’20”Moon27o 20’00”
Sun03o 00’00”Moon16o 13’20”Mars28o 26’40”
Moon03o 40’00”Mars17o 20’00”Rahu29o 13’20”
Mars04o 46’40”Rahu18o 06’40”
Rahu05o 33’20”Jupiter20o 06’40”
Jupiter07o 33’20”Saturn21o 53’20”
Saturn09o 20’00”Mercury24o 00’00”
Mercury11o 26’40”Ketu25o 53’20”



Sign Lord Saturn

0 to 10o 00’

U. Ashadha Lord Sun

Sub Lords

Rahu00o 00’ 00”

10o 00’ to 23o 20’ Shravana Lord Moon

Sub Lords

Moon10o 00’ 00”

23o 20’ to 30o 00’

Dhanishtha Lord Mars

Sub Lords

Mars23o 20’ 00”
Jupiter01o 13’ 20”Mars11o 06’ 40”Rahu24o 06’ 40”
Saturn03o 00’ 00”Rahu11o 53’ 20”Jupiter26o 06’ 40”
Mercury05o 06’ 40”Jupiter13o 53’ 20”Saturn27o 53’ 20”
Ketu07o 00’ 00”Saturn15o 40’ 00”
Venus07o 46’ 40”Mercury17o 46’ 40”
Ketu19o 40’ 00”
Venus20o 26’ 40”
Sun22o 40’ 00”



Sign Lord Jupiter

0 to 06o 40’

Dhanishtha Lord Mars

Sub Lords

Mercury00o 00’ 00”

06o 40’ to 20o 00’ Sata Bhishaj Lord Rahu

Sub Lords

Rahu06o 40’ 00”

20o 00’ to 30o 00’

P. Bhadrapada Lord Jupiter

Sub Lords

Jupiter20o 00’ 00”
Ketu01o 53’ 20”Jupiter08o 40’ 00”Saturn21o 46’ 40”
Venus02o 40’ 00”Saturn10o 26’ 40”Mercury23o 53’ 20”
Sun04o 53’ 20”Mercury12o 33’ 20”Ketu25o 46’ 20”
Moon05o 33’ 20”Ketu14o 26’ 40”Venus26o 33’ 20”
Venus15o 13’ 20”Sun28o 46’ 40”
Sun17o 26’ 40”Moon29o 26’ 40”
Moon18o 06’ 40”
Mars19o 13’ 20”



Sign Lord Jupiter

0 to 03o 20’

P. Bhadrapada Lord Jupiter

Sub Lords

Moon00o 00 ’00”

03o 20’ to 16o 40’ U. Bhadrapada Lord Saturn

Sub Lords

Saturn03o 20’ 00”

16o 40’ to 30o 00’

Revati Lord Jupiter

Sub Lords

Mercury16o 40’ 00”
Mars00o 33’ 20”Mercury05o 26’ 40”Ketu18o 33’ 20”
Rahu01o 20’ 00”Ketu07o 20’ 00”Venus19o 20’ 00”
Venus08o 06’ 40”Sun21o 33’ 20”
Sun10o 20’ 00”Moon22o 13’ 20”
Moon11o 00’ 00”Mars23o 20’ 00”
Mars12o 06’ 40”Rahu24o 06’ 40”
Rahu12o 53’ 20”Jupiter26o 06’ 40”
Jupiter14o 53’ 20”Saturn27o 53’ 20”
Nakshatra Nadi Astrology – Astrogurukul (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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