The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (2024)


A sprawling St. Petersburg mansion owned by Steven and Julie Weintraub, owners of the Gold & Diamond Source jewelry store in Clearwater, recently sold for $2.2 million.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, the home sold on Sept. 21 for $500,000 below the original asking price.

Known for their over-the-top TV commercials, the Weintraubs apparently got into some controversy recently for some over-the-top comments made on Facebook, referring to protesters as terrorists. But apparently, the family also has over-the-top taste in houses.

Located at 6216 Bahama Shores Drive S. the 6,018-square-foot Mediterranean-style estate sits on a waterfront lot with 160 feet of shoreline along Tampa Bay. Built in 1949, the four-bedroom, five-bathroom home has witnessed quite a few upgrades over the years. It features multiple koi ponds, two saltwater fish tanks, a resort-style saltwater pool and heated spa, an outdoor kitchen, a 200-foot dock with water and electric, and a rooftop terrace with panoramic views of the Bay. Other amenities include Tennessee marble floors, a wine closet, and an indoor/outdoor living family room with three massive flatscreens and a pool table.

The listing agent was Terry Tillung of Coldwell Banker Residential.

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  • mansion,
  • real estate,
  • St. Pete,
  • Tampa Bay,
  • tampa bay real estate

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The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (1)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (2)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (3)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (4)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (5)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (6)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (7)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (8)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (9)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (10)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (11)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (12)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (13)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (14)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (15)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (16)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (17)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (18)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (19)

The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (20)

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The couple behind Gold and Diamond Source cashed in on their massive St. Pete mansion for $22 million (2024)


Who owns the gold and diamond source in Clearwater? ›

In June 1984, Steve Weintraub founded Gold & Diamond Source, and his wife Julie joined him in 2004.

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Fort Harrison Hotel
Location210 S Fort Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, Florida
OwnerChurch of Scientology Flag Service Organization, Inc.
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Thanks to a stockpile of the world's rough diamond supply, indelible marketing schemes and even negotiations with foreign governments for their diamonds, De Beers — owned by the Oppenheimer family since the 1920s — has been the most important name in one of the world's most lucrative businesses for almost a century.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.